This project is a collaboration between Filippo Nassetti and Zena Holloway of Rootfull, within the framework of QEST - Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust.
Rootfull is an emerging biodesign company, pioneering the use of plant roots as a material for new textile and design applications, guiding their growth to weave unique artifacts and surfaces.
Starting in 2024, Filippo Nassetti has been supporting Rootfull to integrate advanced digital and computational methods into their design workflows, pushing past the limits of 3D printing alone, pointing towards a new era of programmable, sustainable design and craftmanship.
The images in this post document some of the initial outcomes of this process, which were exhibited at Material Matters, as part of London Design Festival 2024.
The project is continuing in 2025. This page will be regularly updated with the progress.
Rootfull is an emerging biodesign company, pioneering the use of plant roots as a material for new textile and design applications, guiding their growth to weave unique artifacts and surfaces.
Starting in 2024, Filippo Nassetti has been supporting Rootfull to integrate advanced digital and computational methods into their design workflows, pushing past the limits of 3D printing alone, pointing towards a new era of programmable, sustainable design and craftmanship.
The images in this post document some of the initial outcomes of this process, which were exhibited at Material Matters, as part of London Design Festival 2024.
The project is continuing in 2025. This page will be regularly updated with the progress.